葡萄の栽培の試し  ~6年目


Junw 6, 2022 There found some whiskers out of branches
which may yield grape clusters later on.

May 13, 2022 Some buds came out four weeks after branches raized up from snow fields

July 10, 2021 Transplantation of grape trees were made to search much better environment them to grow

May 17, 2021 Buds came out bigger and bigger as per temperature rize

May 13, 2021 Some buds came out on the branches four weeks
after raised up the branches from grounds.

April 13, 2021 Grape branches raised up partly with residual snow remained

December 15, 2020
Grape brunches are under snow fell and they seem taking a rest for a while.

November 13, 2020 Grape brunches were laid down for preparation against snow falling.

September 1, 2020 It is found that none of grape cluster would expect
on coming Autumn due to various reasons///Any possible countermeasure be
develpped taking any advice from experts what needs to do next..

July 4, 2020 One of a few grape cluster as of July 4 and it may be grown in coming Autumn.

June 26, 2020 Some grain of cluster glowing on the branches and
it is expected to harvest a few on coming Autumn

May 28, 2020 An ear of cluster coming bigger and bigger as high temp comes.

May 21, 2020 Morning view on the grape branches after sligt rainy night.
Many ear of cluster come out that make up the grain of grape later.

May 19, 2020 Rainy morning looking the grape trees with rapid grow most branches

May 13, 2020 Many leaves come out due to high temp. atmosphere.

May 11, 2020 The buds being grow little by little with high temperature around.

May 10, 2020 The buds on the branches come bigger and bigger day by fay.

May 5, 2020 Buds seem getting bigger and bigger after rain in the morning

May 4, 2020 Many buds on the Grape branches came out due to consecutive high air temp.

April 10, 2020 The grape branches are surrounded by weeds and no buds come out yet.

February 27, 2020 The grape branches wear white snowy mantle by which fell last night

February 24, 2020 The grape branches were risen up again almost one month earlier than last

December 28,2019 snow covers grape branches.

令和元年12月23日  降雪は明日の予報が出ている
Weather forecasting tells tommorow could be a slight snows.

令和元年12月10日 一週間前に降った雪で弦は雪の中・・・来春まで
Grape branches are surrounded by Snow and be come up on next spring//see you by then.

令和元年10月23日 剪定した弦の姿・・・これで十分なのかな???
Close looking of branches of Grape, is it okay for maintaining grape trees ?.

令和元年10月1日  再度施肥を根本に・・・・ブドウには多くの肥料が必要との話がありましたので、
It was told that great deal of manures are required to yield many clusters that manures are put this morning.

令和元年9月21日  枝の切除を実施、雪が降るころに地面に下ろし、
Branches of Grapes cut, and they will be layed doun on the ground before falling snow.

令和元年9月19日 枝の切除前に堆肥とN・P・Kを混ぜたものを、根本から少し離れたところに、
Some manures were applied after clearning near base of grape trees, ones we see white is
manures of N/P/K before mixing with soil.

令和元年9月18日 今年延びた枝の3芽を目処に切除を近いうちに行い、
Some manure be applied around base of Grape trees that may give opportunities
to yield cluste of grape coming year.

令和元年8月23日 葡萄の房は少しだけ、今年の収穫は殆ど期待でき無い、
Very few clusters may be yielded on coming Autumn and little hope may be remained on next year on.

令和元年8月6日 葡萄の樹の下草を除草・・・朝一の作業でした。
Continuation of weed mowing works finished in the morning.

令和元年8月5日 葡萄の樹の下部の除草を一部実施・・・30cm程に伸びた雑草・・・汗だくで
Weed mowing works part of Grape tree under sevior sunshine.

令和元年7月26日 梅雨は明けた、これかも気温の高い日が続く!!!
The grain of Grape seems expecting to grow after rainy seasons has ended.

令和元年7月19日 葉っぱの影に大きくなっている房が・・・数少ない房の一つだ
One other cluster found at brind of grapevine, it is expected to grow more.

令和元年7月17日 一週間後の房・・・余り大きな変化は見えない・・
It looks no signifcant grain change seen since it saw last....

令和元年7月11日 粒は幾分大きくなってきたように見受けられる
It seems grain coming larger and larger day by day

令和元年7月2日 葡萄の葡萄の粒は順調に・・・の様に見える・・葉っぱはコガネムシの餌食に
The grain of cluster looks started grow but leaves are targeted by gold bug and pitiable looking.

令和元年6月24日 葡萄の粒は大きくなる???
I wouder if grain of Grape would come bigger ???

令和元年6月20日 粒から花が咲いた これから粒も大きくなる??
Some floweres coming out and it seems they seem start growing now on ??

令和元年6月15日 粒の周りがにぎやかになってきた
Something coming out around the grain of cluster .

令和元年6月9日 葡萄の粒は徐々に大きくなってきたように感じる
The grain of cluster seems getting bigger.

令和元年6月2日 小国町から40kmほど南の魚沼市にあるワイナリーで現在の葡萄の穂場の
The great difference were observed between Tanaka's and professional one at Uonuma city's.
Although a kind of Grape are different but there are much grown than Tanaka's.
One thing I noticed was air temperatur from ground on the fields are high as compared with Hosse's.
This might affect growing rate of Grape.
Let's wait and see what wold be happening now on at Hosse.

令和元年6月1日 今朝の葡萄の粒・・・・
Today's looks on the grain of cluster.

令和元年5月5月29日 雨上がり後の粒・・・一日では大きな変化は見えない
After rainy night there seems no change recognized now.

令和元年5月28日 粒も幾分大きく???
The grain of Grape looks a light change from yesterday ???

令和元年5月27日 葡萄の粒も徐々に多くまた大きくなってきている
The grain of Grape becoming many and grater

令和元年5月24日  葡萄の粒は少しずつ多く・・・房になりますか???
The grain of grape come gradually changing for cluster making.

令和元年5月22日 巻きひげの先に小さな葡萄の粒
The grain of grape come out on the string.

令和元年5月21日 久しぶりの雨・・・葡萄の新梢は勢いよく伸びてきている
Brances on the grape seems actively growing on the rainy morning

令和元年5月20日 二本目の電線を敷設・・・新梢の保持のため
The additional wires added for supporting new branches coming out.

令和元年5月19日 晴天が続いている関係か、新梢が勢いよく伸びてきている
Many new branches come out due to high temperature.

令和元年5月15日 早朝の若葉・・・・気温も上昇してきている

令和元年5月14日 今朝の葡萄の弦・・新芽もそろって出てきている
New buds come out on the branches of all in the garden.

令和元年5月13日  新芽が勢いよく伸び始めてきた
Some leaves have grown day by day

令和元年5月9日 今朝の一枚
Morning view on the Grape branches.

令和元年5月8日 昼間・気温も上がり葉っぱも徐々に
Leaves coming getting larger and larger.

令和元年5月7日 雨上がりの朝、若葉が現れた
After rainy night, leaves came out on the 4th year's one

令和元年5月6日 今朝の芽はこのように
The buds be seen on this morning.

令和元年5月4日 芽も日に日に大きくなってきている
It seems the buds come bigger day by day//

令和元年5月2日  少し芽も幾分膨らんできた
The buds come little bit bigger day by day.

令和元年5月1日 裏山の二年目の葡萄にも芽が出てきている
Buds came out on the 2nd year's on the backyard.

平成31年4月30日 気温の上昇に伴って芽も徐々に膨らむ様子・・・・
It seems buds come gradually bigger as per temperature come up around.

平成31年4月28日-2 移植4年目の葡萄の枝には芽も出だしてきた
Some buds came out from the branches on the 4th years grape trees

平成31年4月28日ー1 立ち上げた葡萄の弦の周りには雑草も勢いを増してきた
Some weeds come active around grape seedling

平成31年4月11日 4年目に入った葡萄の根元・追肥を雪の消えた今・・・
The foot of Grape seedling got some manure after snow melted out.

平成31年4月6日 今朝の葡萄の周り
Snow disappeared around grape dseedling

平成31年4月4日 晴れの一日だった、10cmほど積雪が少なくなった
About 10cm thick snow piled were melted due to sunshine.

平成31年4月3日 前日の降雪で40cmほどの雪で埋まった
Much snow covered foot of Grape seedling and it may require some time before it clear.
平成31年4月2日 弦に雪が絡まって・・・すぐ解けるのだが
The morning view on the Grape seedling with small snow fell .

平成31年4月1日 雪が消えた場所の葡萄の弦の立ち上げ・・小雪のちらつく中
Some poles were put on the side of Grape branches

平成31年3月31日 雪解けした場所の葡萄の枝は春の空気を吸って・・
It seems a time to grow Grape branches of Grape that start of fourth year